

Hello!  Good morning!  It’s raining here this morning.  Marianna has a day off school so has begged for a bit of a sleep in.  She doesn’t get to many of those any more between school during the week, NJROTC PT on Saturday mornings and choir at church on Sunday.  I’m feeling indulgent but a bit at loose ends.  I like to do things on days off so you can look back and see that the day off was filled to the max with something awesome you wouldn’t normally get to do.  But I didn’t have to take Mid-Terms all week either.

So to keep from going upstairs and peeking in her room to see if she’s stirring yet, I thought I’d occupy my time with a bit of fun Marathon Knitting.

Have you ever heard of it?  Sounds like total fun.  Cheryl, of Cheryl Marie Knits ran a marathon knitting day for herself yesterday and it was awesome fun to go check on her progress as the day progressed.

So taking a note from her, I’ll update this post as time and projects progress on this Friday!


8:10 – Sitting down with my second cup of coffee and my Epic True Blue Wrap to wake up a bit with.  I’m ready for the 3rd skein of yarn today!


Blue Wrap

Epic Wrap

And so we begin…


9:30 – Marianna is up and about, we laughed at how when you plan on sleeping in you always wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed way too early!  Yesterday for her French Final she had to bring in French food to share with her classmates and she chose Croque Monsieur and since there was a tad of roux left over and some swiss and ham…

This was my breakfast today!

Croque Monsieur

Breakfast of Marathoners!!!

Now, back to knitting…


Okay, there was a bit more of a break there wherein we ran to the library etc…


The votes are in and Alicia’s sweater won!  So, this afternoon I’ll cast on in my friend’s chosen yarn (green, all organic for this first baby).

Stashed Green Yarn

Ready to Cast On!

I’d say I’m keeping my fingers crossed but that might complicate things a tad too much!


I cast on!  Look it’s a baby sweater in utero!

Baby Sweater

Itty Bitty Sweater

After I got this far (less than a dozen rows, I’m afraid) it was decided that the new Starbucks just off post had to be investigated.  So we did.

Taking our frozen java treats in hand Marianna and I wandered oceanside to view the Nautica Offshore Sailboat Races.  Pretty, but ultimately, very boring. The boats are just inch high colorful sails on the horizon really.  Now, the Powerboat Races are spectacular!  Those boats run less than a dozen feet from the wall the crowd stands on and at insanely high speeds where the boats are just not even really in the water but skipping across the surface like a flat stone thrown just perfectly.

So, now I’m back at home.  Marianna is at the Cinema for a friend’s birthday party and Hal is stuck at work.

Oh, and this is the radar image.

January 21, 2011 Radar

Key West Radar

You know what that means, don’t you?

Knit, knit, knit!


6:30 – Hubby’s home.  Back to the Epic Blue Wrap!

I only had to rip an inch or so during my first go at the baby sweater – I’m quite pleased…