


Dawn of 2011

Do you make resolutions every year?

I do.

I never manage to keep them but I love thinking about and planning my new life all due to just a few key resolutions.

Drink more water.

Eat more fruits and veggies.



Etc…  Etc…  Etc…

Rather than post my Resolutions that I most likely won’t keep I thought maybe this year I’d post things I Intend to do or try in this new decade.  I think I’ll gather them into a list of sorts in the sidebar and then work at completing a few before another year slips past me.  Striking through things when accomplished will feel most satisfactory I do believe!

So. In no particular order…

I Intend to:

  1. Learn French
  2. Bake Artisan Bread
  3. Play the Guitar
  4. Knit a Cardigan
  5. Grow a Tomato
  6. Travel Europe with Marianna
  7. See the Pope
  8. Sew my own Grocery Sacks
  9. Keep a Journal
  10. SUP – Stand Up Paddleboarding!
  11. Scuba Dive Again
  12. Attend Garden Club Meetings
  13. Cook for Saint Days again
  14. Volunteer at the Divine Mercy Perpetual Adoration Chapel
  15. Go to the Beach more often
  16. Sew an *Awesome* beach blanket rather than tatty towels
  17. Read all of Harry Potter
  18. Teach my dog to fetch
  19. Write a letter a week to a soldier in the Sandbox
  20. Post every day!!!

There we go – 20 items are a great start!

To fulfill that last item, #20, I’m going to participate in PostADay over at The Daily Post.  I’m committed now!  Will you join in too?

Keep an eye on that sidebar – it’ll be blooming with fun soon!